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About Morton Alternative

Campus Information

Morton Alternative School Mission Statement

“Every Student Succeeds” 

Morton Alternative School (MAS) was established on the premise that all students can learn and succeed when provided an educational environment that meets their individual needs and interests. Because the traditional school setting is not appropriate for all students, Morton Alternative School strives to create a place in which students can experience academic and personal success.

MAS Expectations for Success:

To help students reach our mission, Every Student Succeeds, students strive to meet these three (3) expectations for success:

  1. Presence – Enter class on time, with a growth mindset.
  2. Academics – Engage in productive, meaningful work.
  3. Respect – Be respectful to the classroom community and expectations.

Morton Alternative School Overview


MAS values the importance of academics as part of a student’s growth, and offers all required courses that are needed for graduation.  MAS also offers a heralded credit recovery program, that provides an excellent opportunity for students to recover failed class credits during the school day.    

Restorative Practices

MAS understands that students are continuing to grow not only academically, but socially and emotionally.  We also understand that most growth occurs during a student’s hardest moments.  Because of this, our school uses restorative practices in place of the traditional punitive measures when students are struggling in a school setting.  Through various restorative practices, our staff tries to understand the root of the problem, and then works with the student, family, and other stakeholders to remediate the issue.

Address: 1874 54th Ave. Cicero, IL 60804

Phone: (708) 780-4080 (English/Español)

Principal: Dr. Erin Kelly

Point System

MAS implements a point card system that helps students record and analyze their progress each day.  Each day, students can earn points in the 3 areas of “MAS Expectations for Success.”  Students can earn school rewards and privileges for earning more points.  

Social & Emotional Groups

Professional school counselors and psychologists host several social emotional groups for students throughout the school year.  These include but are not limited to:

  • Parenting
  • Literature for All of Us Book Club
  • Positive Social Relationships
  • Gang Awareness
  • Drug & Alcohol Awareness
  • West 40 Counseling Sessions